It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.
Attention! You may face the risk of being stolen by someone out there and used without your permission when you’re sharing your photos on blog or Facebook. While as the symbol of your photos, a watermark is in a position to well protect them from illegal use or dissemination. It's quite the thing nowadays.
Watermark is the most effective way to protect your photos' copyright from unauthorized use. Just do a few clicks, Watermark Software will provide the indelible protection for your image files.
Features :
Screenshots :
License Details :
License info: 1-computer lifetime license, for home use.
Update policy: no free updates.
Tech support policy: no free tech support.
Re-install policy: cannot be registered after promo ends.
Giveaway version: v8.3
Download size: 34.2MB
Supported OS and other system requirements: Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista (32 and 64 bit), 7 (32 and 64 bit)
Regular price: $ 29.90
How to activate WonderFox Photo Watermark :
1. COPY the registration code by highlighting it with the mouse and pressing CTRL+C.
2. PASTE in the registration code by pressing CTRL+V in the register window box.
3. Enter Your User Name.
4. Press "Register" on the register window box. You'll then have the full features of the program.
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