If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.
If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.
If you are tired of typing the same text multiple times, Text Paster can help you!
Text Paster is a program for instantly pasting into input fields in practically any program simple or formatted (RTF) text that has been pre-defined by you: standard phrases, greetings, generic replies, the current date and time, letter and document templates, e-mail addresses, website addresses, usernames, passwords, text fragments selected on your screen, clipboard contents, and much more.
You can also do the following with Text Paster:
Group the text clippings you regularly paste and display them as a popup menu.
Paste text or display the popup menu with a single key, mouse click, key combination, or by pressing and holding a pre-defined key or mouse button.
Quickly fill out forms thanks to automatic switching between fields through emulation of the Tab key and other keys, including Enter.
If a program does not support pasting text (for example, a console application), then text can be typed in by the program itself.
Limit text pasting and type to certain programs or windows.
Interface Languages: |
System Requirements: | Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/2008/2003/XP/2000 |
Screenshots :
License Details :
License info: 1-year fully functional version (valid until September 1, 2021). For home, business and educational environment. There are no any restrictions for the promo version.
Update policy: No updates during this giveaway period.
Tech support policy: Free tech support.
Re-install policy: After one year an ordinary lifetime license can be purchased or program can be uninstalled.
Giveaway version: 1.10 (latest)
Download size: 1.82 MB
Supported OS and other system requirements: Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/2008/2003/XP/2000
Regular price: $24.95 USD — Home license, $34.95 USD — Business license.
How to activate Text Paster :
Congrats! the setup is Built-in automatic activation.
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As I write a lot of content with similar structure (Signature, ETC ...), this might prove useful. Reply