Turbo Play: All in one content creator: Video editor, Audio editor, Image editor, 300+ GPU accelerated effects, animations, H265/H264 output, color grading, handwritten text.
Audio Specific
- Audio, pianoroll, score, drum loop, and automation editors are all included in this audio arranger.
- Unlimited tracks, a sticky function, various timeframes, and clever concealment are just a few of the features available.
- There are 15 distinct polymorphism component types and polymorphic tracks.
- ASIO, VST 3.x, Remote Control, DMX, and Art-Net support are all included.
- and so forth...
Video Specific
- Scenes, timeframes, and tracks are all infinite.
- Image, video, and text editors are featured in this video organizer.
- With over 30 distinct blend modes, there is a single blend mode and a multiple blend mode.
- With 3D object support, an animation editor with move, zoom, rotate, and scale animation modes is available.
- Layer mix modes and geometric/brush masking capabilities are included.
- Multiple-cut mode with an infinite part grid is available.
- Multiple media bays, each having a grid list, categories, and sorting options.
- Panorama-making software
- Effects of motion tracking
- Viewer for 360° video and photos
- Markers for advanced students
- Converting large amounts of footage
- and so forth...
Screenshots :

License Details :
License info: 1 year Power User license
Update policy: Free updates
Tech support policy: Issues submitted are resolved and delivered through the automatic update/limited facebook support
Re-install policy: After promo ends, key is invalidated
Giveaway version: v2.2455
Download size: 120 MB
Supported OS and other system requirements: Windows 10 preferred. Windows 7 supported.
Regular price: 14,99$ USD/Year
How to activate Turbo Play :
First screen, button "My License", enter your key.
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