If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.
If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.
SEMrush is a software as a service (SaaS) company that was founded by Oleg Shchegolev and Dmitry Melnikov as an SEO tool and a browser extension before adopting the SaaS model, based in Boston that sells online visibility and marketing analytics software subscriptions. The software can provide intelligence data including website traffic information, keywords, projected AdWords spend, topic research,site audits, lead generation, and other SEO-related data.
SEO: Complete workflow for any SEO professional
Paid Traffic: Improve the results of your PPC efforts
Social Media: Build your most effective social media strategy
Content & PR: Create content that drives excellent marketing results
Market Research: Market insights and competitors’ strategies overview
All-in-one solution to boost your online store. From SEO to SMM, SEMrush helps you drive more sales. Find out how to get more traffic with paid and organic search, build a brand, and manage your marketing teamwork.
At SEMrush, they happy to support your boldest business dreams with data. If you’re looking for an expanded geodatabase, an industry-specific database, a niche marketing report – we can fit all the marketing needs of your business.
A comprehensive solution to inform your marketing strategy and outperform the competition. Analyze your competitors' traffic and keyword strategies, ads, content, and social media. Target at their gaps. Research and report with one solution.
SEMrush is proud of its work and its results. By accumulating and processing large volumes of data, they aim to provide its clients with the best product, which is now used by over 4 million marketing specialists worldwide.
5 million users - 18 billion keywords - 140 geo databases - 710 million domains
Pro $99 .95 per month
Guru $199 .95 per month
For SMB and growing marketing agencies
All the Pro features plus:
Business $399 .95 per month
For agencies, E-commerce projects and businesses with an extensive web presence
All the Guru features plus:
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